Always had that je ne sais quoi Irritating little combo with no plans to reform The most fun you can have with your shoes on
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Angry With Myself

Released as DHSS 01 by Smirksong Records in 1979

I was only angry with myself.
A chip on my shoulder
And bolder than someone else.
I was only angry 'cause of me.
A chip on my shoulder
And bolder than normally.

So annoyed at the party.
Everyone was so arty-farty.
...I was told to leave without trace.
In the pub with our family.
All the boys were so bleedin' manly.
And to be tough they seemed to get rough.
If you don't like my face.

I was rude to her face.
She put her Saver Seven in the wrong place.
And her make-up was some kind of fake-up
And she was strait-laced.
Unamused by her joke
Never really did like cholesterol
And the beer-bellies
And all the sheep-wellies
And the cigarette smoke.

If sorry means I won't do it again,
I'm sorry that I ever caused you pain.
If sorry simply means to say regret,
Well just accept I'm sorry and forget.

City Fun 8


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Page last updated by Ian on 15 June 2007